Reply To: Eyetracking experiment: Uploading and downloading material to server

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Eyetracking experiment: Uploading and downloading material to server Reply To: Eyetracking experiment: Uploading and downloading material to server


Hi Jeremy,

I’m working on analyzing the eye-tracking data, and I was wondering if I can know the notation in the data file. I see the results are divided by the following categories: trial,times,_BottomLeft,_Ys,_BottomRight,_TopRight,_Xs,_TopLeft. Can I know what information each category contains?

In particular, I’m trying to merge the results file with the eyetracking result data, and I’m having difficulty finding what corresponds to the ‘trial’ in the eyetracking results data in the pcibex results file.

Thank you!
